Wednesday 25 June 2014

7# Real Conjuring doll

My name is Soniya *** this story was told to me by my frend's sister pooja, this story reminds me of the doll from that Conjuring movie..  :-O
last month she visited her Aunt place in pune & experienced something paranormal ..Story as narreted by pooja. . .

It was our summer vaccation so to enjoy my holiday's i went to my Aunts place in pune :-)
It was awesome day, i was very happy to meet my aunt and her litle daughter :-)

I reached pune and visited my aunt's flat.. My aunt was exited to meet me coz we both met eachother after long time i.e after two years.. My 1st day went good. I met aunt's little daughter.. She was good tympass for me coz i was new to that place and no1 was there to talk with . I use to play with her. . One day as i was playing with her she showed me one imported doll which was sent to her by her uncle from dubai..
Doll was looking funny with round head, red round nose and wide eyes..

At evining my aunt had a birthday party, so my aunt and her whole family along with me decided to go for party..

But from afternoon i started getting pain in my stomach, and even had headech..
It was time to go for party so my aunt started calling me.. The pain in my stomach was too much at that time.. I took medicins bt it was waste, they cant able to cure me fast. . So i told my aunt that il not able to come with them.. It was aunt's close frends birthday party so she had to go. . N even i told them that il stay here alone, im nt afraid.. I told them while going just lock the main door . . .
They all went and i was not well so i just slept, beside me there was litle playing doll of aunt's daughter.. I just took the doll and place her on my tummy. . And i slept :-)

After some time i was awake coz i heard some noice, lyk someone is walking . . I was afraid and scared, i thought robber came in aunts flat to rob. . As i was litle brave i decided to see who it was, i went in main room and saw no1, i went in other room's bt i cant find ani1 there..

I thought it was just my dream, so again i went to my bedroom.. As i was going to sleep i saw that doll was missing, i checkd it in my room but could not find it.. I was amazed coz that doll was on my bed before i went to sleep and now it was disapeared.. I started to search that doll & while searching that doll i heard the sound of toilet door opening and after sometime i heard flush'ing sound from my toilet, as toilet was close to my bedroom.. I got scared and went to see what it was, i saw that the toilet bulb was on.. I was shiver'ing coz that time i was alone in the flat ..
After some time i heard sum1 walking inside toilet..
With fear i said loudly " who's there?"..

But no1 replied, so i opened the door slowly and saw inside..

I was shockd coz i saw same doll sitting in the corner of toilet floor :-O :-O

imideatly i closed the toilet door switch off the bulb and ran into my bedroom.. I was totally scared.. Now i was sure that the noise of footsteps was of that doll, At that tym i din even know what to do. . .
I called my aunt and told her that im not feeling well pls come home fast.. Each and every minuite was so horific i could hear some scary noise's from toilet and also from our main hall :-O

After half and hour my aunt came, i opened the main door and huged my aunt tightly..

My aunt asked me: Y you called us home so fast? What happen? As she was my best aunt i told her incidend that happened with me.. I took aunt to the toilet to show her doll so that she should bielive me . . . But in toilet there was no1, doll was missing . .  Aunt called her family doctor coz she was afraid that i was not well & was worried about my health.. Docter gave me injection and i slept for 2 hours in my aunts bedroom. . . After i got up i asked my Aunt about that doll. . .

My aunt told me that The doll was lying in ua bed where you had slept when we all had gone to birthday party. . .
But i sware i was not dreaming that time it happened with me in reality. . From that day i slept in my aunt's bedroom. And due to fear in next two day i came back to goa at my home. . . :-O 

(If you have ani such ghost expirences to share, than you can inbox tham in our page Inbox ) :-)

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