Wednesday 25 June 2014

#9: Scary Night

Place- Mulgaon, near shirodwadi My name is Ravindra Parab and im from Mulgaon Gaonkarwada.. :-)

The story im going to narrate is a real incident that happened with me..
some of you people may feel that its fake but is a very very true incident..

so here it goes.. It was the month before the days of navratri..
As we were participating in the dandiya competition we used to have dandiya practice..

and sometimes it used to be very our group ter were 3 gals frm shirodwadi who use to come for practice at gaonkarwada in the temple and after the practice was geting over I used to drop dem at ter home..coz they were 3 gals I have to make two trips to shirodwadi at ter house..

one night our practice started very to adjust we made it late that was around 11:45..our practice got over..and I started the bike to drop those 3 gals to thr home..I completed the first trip and came for the last gal to drop her home..

it ws almost 12 now..and now I was alone..
first it was so much late..and I was pretty scared coz thr was no1 on the Road..I was riding the bike very slowly coz of fear..
Thr was a cross by the roadside..I passed that crossed..and suddenly my whole body started to shiver..I was feeling like thr was sum1 sitting behind me..I could feel it..I could not take the guts to see in the mirror..I was dam scared..I could feel that something sitting behind me..I could feel the sudden weight..but i didnt had guts to look back..and than suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder..

Ohhh god..for me that was juss horrific..I pulled the accerelater at its most..I wanted to get home faster..and some how I reached home..I didnt even looked back at once..husssshhhh..a relief..
but this aint over..

juss after 4-5 days I hd to go to receive my sis who had gone for rehearsals..
This time I had no fear coz my sis ws goin to b with ws 11:30..thr rehearsals were goin not far from the area at whch that incident happened to me..

I stoped outside wer the rehearsals were going on..
it was little bit further..I removed my phone to call her..
I was dialling suddenly some1 started doing  "Sssssssshhuuuuttttt­t Sssssssssshhhhuuuuuutttttt" to me..

at first I ignored..but again the same voice ..."Sssssssssshh­hhuuutttt Sssssssshhuuuuuutttt"..
this time I looked back..for my surprize thr was no1..I got very much scared..I called my sis..
I was afraid..Told her to come fast..

The "Sssssssshhuuuuttttt­t Sssssssshhuuuutttttt­" thing was goin on..

I felt very much good when I saw my sis coming..I started the bike and we went home..Even today some times when I sit alone I think about this incidents and get scared..
Dont know what was it, which scared me that night  .. :-O :-O

(If you have ani such ghost expirences to share, than you can inbox them in our page Inbox & also read our previous stories if u missed it) :-)
#8  Night At Three Kings Church

Hello. I am Rahul and today I am going to share my horrible tale of three king’s church. I stay at Ribander with my mom and my dad works overseas (in 2004). The story is quiet old as it’s been almost ten years. Now I’m 34 years old. Approximately ten years ago, I and my friend Clinton, Steven, Shubham and Sahir planed a night out at three king’s church. We heard that it was haunted but we were young and confused about supernatural powers so we decided to find it out by ourselves. That time mom had gone to relatives place to stay for the night and taking this as an opportunity we made this plan. (Back in 2004, mobiles were too expensive and rarely you could see anybody using it)

We took our maruuti esteem and left from our house at 9 pm. Shubham knew about the road and the place as he was from new vaddem,Vasco. It was February so the night was cold, the sky was clear and everything along the way was glowing in the soft moonlight. From Ribander we reached Vasco and took Shubham and did our pet pooja (dinner) in some restaurant and resumed our journey to Cuelim hill. I came first time at this place and after so much of twist and turns finally we reached the top.

 It was 12:15 – 20 and we got out of the car stretching our arms after sitting from so long. The view just took my breath away and I was so happy to witness this beautiful place. We had planed to come here and spend some time watching the scene, then after sitting for a while in front of the church we were suppose to leave. In the moonlight the church looked like it was made up of silver and the tree next to it was looking like a monster came from the ground. I guess it was banyan tree (don’t remember exactly). It was quiet, peaceful and beautiful. I don’t have correct words to describe it. I did not found this place scary as such but I was hypnotized by the view. From here I could see the ocean and palm trees that border the beach stretching below from Velsao to few kms ahead. We were sitting in front of the church and enjoying cool breeze with the view. Only Steven was drinking Vodka to drown his fear. Rest all were sober and were talking about the church’s history and Shubham was sharing his knowledge. Half and hour past by and we were still chilling there. As I was talking to Clinton I noticed that he kept looking at a particular spot. It was behind the church on right side. I asked him “what is it?” he said he saw someone entering the church from that side.

 I knew he was imagining things so I told him not to look there. The wind which was blowing from east to west changed its direction just within seconds. I came to know coz I had long one feet hair that time and the wind swept my hair in the other direction. Clinton again looked there and got up instantly. I grabbed his hand and asked what happened? He couldn’t speak as if he was dumb. His hand was turning cold and he was breathing faster. His eyes were fixed to that previous spot. I moved my hand to close his eyes and the moment I blocked his sight. He was back to life and was like “guys lets go, this place is alive”. I couldn’t understand and Sahir and Steven started laughing followed by Shubham. They believed it was a prank.

 Clinton started crying and was repeating the same words “this place is alive”. We got serious now and decided to leave. As we reached to that tree next to church, strong wind started to blow as if cyclone was coming. We walked fast and reached the steps adjacent to the back of church. We heard wolf howls from all the sides and it was at such a frequency that was discomforting for ears. We started running towards car and shit! Car was not there. We just couldn’t understand what happened and where our car could go when all doors were locked and windows were closed. We couldn’t think of anything as our brains had stopped working. There was moonlight so we could search in the surrounding so we begun our search mission. It was parked on that slope so we were looking down below to get any hint. All were scared and weird as our heart, body and soul were conquered by fear. Sahir said “lets go walking” his voice was low and expressed fear. Just when everybody almost said “yes” Shubham yelled “no”. We were stunned. His voice tone had changed. He again yelled “Nobody is going anywhere until I allow you to go” Clinton was standing beside him. He grabbed his shoulders and shook him hard. Shubham pushed him just like anything. Shubham said “follow me” and he kept walking towards the front of church. We knew something was wrong but we couldn’t let him go alone. It was past 1 am; I ran forward and blocked Shubham’s way to stop him. His eyes were dark in color. His eye pupil was fixed on me but I felt like he could see right through me. I weigh double then Shubham still with his one arm he jus slapped me aside. His face had turned pale and body language was weird. Clinton and others wanted to run away but they were just waiting for me to say yes. I yelled at Shubham saying “idiot we lost our car and now where are you going?” He replied in a croaky tone “Your car is at the same place where u left it” and kept walking. Rests 3 were trying to stop him but he was strong to dodge them all. I ran back to the place where we parked our car and I just couldn’t believe my eyes. The car was right there.

 I yelled out loud “get him here, I found the car” but that time only wolf howled so my friends couldn’t hear me. I opened the rear door of the car and ran towards them again. Shubham had reached near that banyan tree. I yelled “lift him n put him into the car” We all lifted him and while getting down the steps again strong winds started to blow with its wheezy sound. You must have heard the weird wind sound at some point of your life. Shubham was uncontrollable but we somehow managed to overpower him. We put him into the back seat and Sahir and Clinton hold him tightly. Steven was skinny so he set in front. We were all set to go, I opened the door to get in but I heard a soft breathy voice calling my name.

 I was holding my door wit my right hand and left hand was on the roof and I turned my neck to see. There were two white shadows similar like cold air right behind the church. They were shining like diamond in the moonlight. I got interrupted by Steven’s voice as he said “Rahul chol ya”. I felt like I woke up from sleep that time. I got into the car and started it without looking in the back view mirror and went from there. Shubham was difficult to handle that time. I was trying to go fast on curves also and suddenly after two three curves Shubham became unconscious. I was scared I didn’t know where to go as Shubham brought us here. I just kept on guessing the road and finally reached SMRC Hospital.

Next day Shubham woke up and told that he heard someone call his name so he turned back and after that he doesn’t remember anything. If I reveal later what happened at my place and others. It will take more 2000 words. Now we are all doing fine and have almost forgotten about that incident. After that none of us went there even during daylight.

(If you have ani such ghost expirences to share, than you can inbox tham in our page Inbox ) :-)
7# Real Conjuring doll

My name is Soniya *** this story was told to me by my frend's sister pooja, this story reminds me of the doll from that Conjuring movie..  :-O
last month she visited her Aunt place in pune & experienced something paranormal ..Story as narreted by pooja. . .

It was our summer vaccation so to enjoy my holiday's i went to my Aunts place in pune :-)
It was awesome day, i was very happy to meet my aunt and her litle daughter :-)

I reached pune and visited my aunt's flat.. My aunt was exited to meet me coz we both met eachother after long time i.e after two years.. My 1st day went good. I met aunt's little daughter.. She was good tympass for me coz i was new to that place and no1 was there to talk with . I use to play with her. . One day as i was playing with her she showed me one imported doll which was sent to her by her uncle from dubai..
Doll was looking funny with round head, red round nose and wide eyes..

At evining my aunt had a birthday party, so my aunt and her whole family along with me decided to go for party..

But from afternoon i started getting pain in my stomach, and even had headech..
It was time to go for party so my aunt started calling me.. The pain in my stomach was too much at that time.. I took medicins bt it was waste, they cant able to cure me fast. . So i told my aunt that il not able to come with them.. It was aunt's close frends birthday party so she had to go. . N even i told them that il stay here alone, im nt afraid.. I told them while going just lock the main door . . .
They all went and i was not well so i just slept, beside me there was litle playing doll of aunt's daughter.. I just took the doll and place her on my tummy. . And i slept :-)

After some time i was awake coz i heard some noice, lyk someone is walking . . I was afraid and scared, i thought robber came in aunts flat to rob. . As i was litle brave i decided to see who it was, i went in main room and saw no1, i went in other room's bt i cant find ani1 there..

I thought it was just my dream, so again i went to my bedroom.. As i was going to sleep i saw that doll was missing, i checkd it in my room but could not find it.. I was amazed coz that doll was on my bed before i went to sleep and now it was disapeared.. I started to search that doll & while searching that doll i heard the sound of toilet door opening and after sometime i heard flush'ing sound from my toilet, as toilet was close to my bedroom.. I got scared and went to see what it was, i saw that the toilet bulb was on.. I was shiver'ing coz that time i was alone in the flat ..
After some time i heard sum1 walking inside toilet..
With fear i said loudly " who's there?"..

But no1 replied, so i opened the door slowly and saw inside..

I was shockd coz i saw same doll sitting in the corner of toilet floor :-O :-O

imideatly i closed the toilet door switch off the bulb and ran into my bedroom.. I was totally scared.. Now i was sure that the noise of footsteps was of that doll, At that tym i din even know what to do. . .
I called my aunt and told her that im not feeling well pls come home fast.. Each and every minuite was so horific i could hear some scary noise's from toilet and also from our main hall :-O

After half and hour my aunt came, i opened the main door and huged my aunt tightly..

My aunt asked me: Y you called us home so fast? What happen? As she was my best aunt i told her incidend that happened with me.. I took aunt to the toilet to show her doll so that she should bielive me . . . But in toilet there was no1, doll was missing . .  Aunt called her family doctor coz she was afraid that i was not well & was worried about my health.. Docter gave me injection and i slept for 2 hours in my aunts bedroom. . . After i got up i asked my Aunt about that doll. . .

My aunt told me that The doll was lying in ua bed where you had slept when we all had gone to birthday party. . .
But i sware i was not dreaming that time it happened with me in reality. . From that day i slept in my aunt's bedroom. And due to fear in next two day i came back to goa at my home. . . :-O 

(If you have ani such ghost expirences to share, than you can inbox tham in our page Inbox ) :-)

for more Goan Ghost encounters & stories stay connected to Haunted goa every night at 9pm & read our previous stories if u missed it :-)

Sunday 22 June 2014

#6: Scary chorla ghat Road trip

Hey My name is Srikant and i live in sanquel­im, today i wanna tell you something paranormal which happend to me :-O

You all will know Chorla ghat, its beauty can be best experienced in monsoon. I had some work at Belgaum so I had gone there last year in July and there it became late. At 23:00 I left from there to return to Goa and reached choral ghat on d way. It wasn’t my first time to travel so late as Goa to Belgaum was my daily routine. It was pleasant, there was fog, little rain and the view was simply amazing. I got down from my car at Goa – Karnataka border since I got nature’s call.

In less than a minute I got into my car n turned my volume up of stereo to hear my favorite track and resumed my journey. Just after few minutes I saw something shining in the bushes on rite side. There was fog so my parking lights were on and I was driving slowly.

It was drizzling that time so I lowered my window to check. It was bright like a light bulb and it was far and high. As I halt my gaze to look in front,
I saw someone right in d middle of road. I immediately applied brakes.

(The music player stopped at that same moment)

It was a girl. I could see thick blue veins swelled through her wax paper skin. She was floated with ease with eyes as empty as the nothingness from which she came. Her hair was rippled in dark thick waves and the strands resembled the death of night. She wore a dark shirtdress kind of stuff with mud all over it.

I stopped my car just few feet’s away from her. My heart was beating like a drum, eyes were wide open and whole body was numb. She was still there like a statue.

I was in dilemma; either I could hit reverse gear or I could just go through her without thinking about the consequences. After a short pause she opened her mouth wide enough to suck in d whole world and started crying out loud. Yes! She was crying with her mouth open and she sounded like a roaring lion.

I was sweating and body was shivering. That’s it, I couldn’t take no more. In fear I closed my eyes and shifted first gear and went through her.

The car didn’t hit anything and her roaring hue and cry also stopped.

I didn’t look back and even if there was fog I drove fast on curves. Thankfully that time reflecting lights were newly installed by the government. In my ears I could hear her cries. My legs were shivering and mind was restless with her thoughts. Finally I reached my home (Vitthalapur,sanquel­im) at 1:45 - 2 and family members took me to Sanquelim hospital right away coz I was not feeling well.

It was really terific day, i can't forget her scary cry...Sometimes nature can haunt u just like a scary movie, I realized it that night.

(If you have ani such ghost expirences to share, than you can inbox tham in our page Inbox, if its intresting than will post it in our blog ) :-)

for more Goan Ghost encounters & stories stay connected to Haunted goa every night at 9pm & read our previous stories if u missed it :-)

Saturday 21 June 2014

#5: Haunted Banyan (vad) Tree

Hie, maself Amit naik . I live in a village called Naroa, (taluka Bicholim) which is adjacent to Charao Island n next to diwar island. To go to Bicholim,, we can either choose to go from Mayem village (12 kms) or there’s a shortcut road which goes thru forest n meets Mayem lake (6 kms). Its dark out there as der are no street lites n houses for whole 6kms. It is cool and peaceful there. This forest is also called as kavle ran (Crow forest) I don’t knw for wat reasons.
it was 25th april of dis year, it was my 23rd b’day and I din’t had money to Sponsor a party in any bar n rest rodent so I decided to celebrate it in kavle ran n brot 2 beer carton n 1 wisky n 1 white rum bottle. On that road, ther is only one intersection… dis road comes from mayem-haturlim and before that ders an open flat land wer durin monsoon, nearby guys come and play football in the evening. Next to it der is a Banyan tree where we usually sit at nite to booze. It is 400-500 mts away from main road.

We wer 11 ppl and we reached our spot i.e. that banyan tree at 10:15 pm at nite. Six came on bike while others came in car. We started drinking, followed by funny jokes, n so on. It was all so good and I was living my night. At 12:45 one fellow went on his bike to Bicholim to bring something n came back n den we never got distracted. By 2 – 2:15 am we wer fully loaded but I was like “party abhi baki hai” n two friends accompanied me. Rest wanted to go home as it was late n dey had to ride quite a long distance from here. Finally at 2:30 something, all left except 2 of my friends who were suppose to sleep at my place that nite. We had 2 bottles of beer n few cigarettes to burn our lungs.
There were normal gossips and suddenly I noticed dat at d root of d banyan tree there was something. I put lite on it n realized it had stone carved idol like structure. I was coming there from past few years but I never saw anything like dat. I lifted it up n my two friends Kevin n Pritesh wer busy talkin so dey dint notice me. It was like one n half feet long and one feet wide. I was tryin to figure out which deity it was in the dark. I am an atheist so was eager to know suddenly which god conquered my drinking place frm me. I turned on the flash lite of mobile to check. I was stunned actually, It was different. I couldn’t relate it to anybody as it was weird. I called my friends n dey also had a look and laughed on my archaeological discovery.

I joined them too and we started crackin jokes on it. Kevin tried to break it while Pritesh (the extra smart guy) praised him in a funny way and we all laughed out loud. It was past 3 am, now that stone idol was our new friend n we named him “narkasur” and later I threw it away. I took a drag and passed the cigarette to Kevin but coincidently, tht time only strong wind blowed n cigarette ash went into his eyes so I passed d water bottle to him. It was quiet for next few seconds and suddenly we heard noise as if smething is running towards us. It was gibbous moon nite so der was no moonlight also. We couldn’t figured out what it was, we stood silent, little scared and to kill d suspense we saw a buffalo runnin towards us. We got scared, we ran for life n stood bhind our car. There wer buffalos, cattles running towards the main road. They wer in huge numbers , mayb more then a hundred.
I dint believe my eyes as there wont b so many buffalos in d whole village and we got a shock wen just within 10-12 seconds dey disappeared. We wer all speechless, we looked at each others face in fear. Kevin opened his mouth n said “zb! Wat was it? “ I was drunk but this thing made me sober and I was still speechless. Pritesh in a loud daring voice said “ kite re bhiyetat,, aaiz mojaa yeyli,, solid hallucination jale” . After few long deep breaths I agreed to him n Kevin removed a cigarette n lighter from his pocket n tried 4-5 times to lit it. The lighter was not working so I went to d front passenger seat of car and opened the car’s door to get d match box.

Fuck! Dis was wat I said wen d headlights of car turned on automatically as I took the matchbox from d door’s pocket. I shut the door hard in fear and heard a voice smewat like tht of an old lady. But I couldn’t understand wat it said. I was sweating like a pig, for a moment I felt dizzy coz of shock. Kevin and pritesh was sitting aside, he yelled askin for matchbox followed by few bad words for turnin on d headlights. I just replied in soft scared voice “ya gora,,,bos gadyen”. They wer like we’ll wait few mins, at 3:30 we’ll go. I yelled “zb! Haav voita” my voice ws loud n expressed my fear. They got up and set in the car. I turned the key to start………… nothing happened……….i tried again…….. nothing happened.

I got so damn scared and dey also wer like “ dis place is freakin me out , start fast”. My legs wer shivering n arms wer sweating. I again heard that scary voice and this time I was not alone , Kevin and pritesh heard it too. Pritesh closed d window as fast as he could n I kept on turnin the key to start the car but all attemps wer in vain. The tree was looking scary, there was wind blowing n der was voices we all could hear. I was so scared that I closed my eyes,I could hear d same buffalo running sound again. Kevin lost control, he ran after opening the door of d backseat towards main road. It happened so fast n he ran as if someone was chasing him. Again I turned on the key n d car started and I turned on the headlights. It was all dusty and I culd barely see anything .

I shifted gear n turned my wheels n pressed full accelerator. The car hit a rock I dint care, I shifted reverse gear n den again first gear n I culd c the road clear. There was no dust nothing, within fraction of secnd it ws gone. I was scared for Kevin, I reached main road n saw Kevin sitin n cryin which gave me a sigh of relief coz I found him. We took him in the car n raced to home.

Whole way I culd see in the back view mirror that something was following us. I was scared,I remember how it looked but I cant express it in words. It was scary, weird and I don’t knw. Even thinkin abt it gives me Goosebumps.
We reachd home all scared and all wer shivering. It was 3:35 am (dnt knw excact) in d morning and I dint wanted to wake my mom up. We dint sleep the whole nite. I couldn’t discuss this at home as dey wuld hav shouted on me for goin there n if I say I was drinkin den I was dead der only. Morning mayb at 6-6:30 we took a nap n got up soon at 7. Now we wer bit normal from the shock. I asked Kevin “y u ran away from the car?” He told me that he saw someone sitting next to him (I ws on driver’s seat, pritesh was on front passenger seat n Kevin was sitting alone on left side in d back) she was a female, her face, everything was covered n she was rite behind me. He felt like she’l attack us so he ran away and he ran so fast that in no time he reachd the main road n started yelling for help and crying.

I ran inside n called mom n told her the full story. I m an atheist but I was scared and was actually prayin to god from all my heart. I got scolding from home n m not allowed to go anywhere at nite till now. It was a bad experience, probably the worst experience of our life. I never come from that shortcut alone after that nite. N if thers some urgent work at Bicholim at nite I go from mayem village.

Kevin is in Bombay these days at her aunt’s place, still recovering from that shock and Pritesh never came to my place after that night and is stil afraid to move out of house wen it b dark outside.

I learned a lesson that you should never make fun of any mysterious things. We had so many parties there, everything went normal but on my b’day I just found that stone carved idiol n den weird things started to happen. I din’t disclose this to anybdy coz people wil make fun sayin it was pure hallucination since we wer drinkin. But we hav personally experienced that and its like a curse n it haunts us still evry nite.

(If you have ani such ghost expirences to share, than you can inbox tham in our page Inbox, if its intresting than will post it in our blog ) :-)

for more Goan Ghost encounters & stories stay connected to Haunted goa every night at 9pm & read our previous stories if u missed it :-) :-)

Friday 20 June 2014

#4: Just came to see you..

This story is sent by 1st girl fan of this page (Name is hidden on her req) :-)
. . . . . .

This happened to me 2 yrs back I used to stay at hostel..

It was my exam days and I was shocked with one of my friend's dad's sudden death( heart attack)...

After 11 days of his death my friend requested me to come home as she wanted to update her notes as she wanted to prepare for exams...

I had to stay back at their home as I realised that it was already 9 pm and I am not allowed to enter hostel after 7pm...

my friend she slept at 11pm after completing some of her assignments.. I thought I can help her out by completing some more assignments to reduce her work pressure... I slept exactly at 1 am..

but suddenly I woke up at 1.42 am and saw there was a man standing in front of me jus 7 to 8 fts away from me.. I could not see his face as it was dark I could just make out there is some standing...

I juz freakout .. suddenly my friend switched on the lights.. go to see there was no one in the room.. she asked me" what happnd? Did have nightmare?"..

I thought she has not come out of her dads death and by telling this I did not wanted to put her in to more depression..

I just said nothing.. and whole night I din sleep out of fear.. morning I woke up early and got ready to go.. my friend just came to me and whispered "I can understand what must have went through you.. even we experience many weired things at home which is very unusual we just ignore.. but it does not harm anyone.." with sad face she continued "its my dad.. he wants us to feel his presence"..

I guess it was her dad who came to see her whom I saw that night... :-O :-O

(If you have ani such ghost expirences to share, than you can inbox tham in our page Inbox, if its intresting than will post it in our blog ) :-)

for more Goan Ghost encounters & stories stay connected to Haunted goa every night at 9pm & read our previous stories if u missed it :-) :-)

Thursday 19 June 2014

#3 : Haunted well (bai)

hello everyone My name is sunil gaude ( bapya) ! the story which m going to tell you is from kunkolim. i had heard this story from one of ma cousin..who lives nearby where the incident had taken place.

This is a story of a woman who fell in a well and died. one day this lady had to fetch water early morning around 6am...

It was lil dark that time so she hardly could see but due to water shortage she had to go. the well dint have fence so water had to be removed directly which was little difficult and more chances of falling into the well...but people around there were used to it...

but as it was little dark she could not see properly and she steped little further to the edge of the well and fell into the well as no one was around at that time nobody could hear her shouts and she died drowning.

This lady had two 3 daughters 1 of them was very small may be of 4 or 5 age. After some days the Elder daughter saw her mother on the same well when she had gone to fetch water at same time when her mother had gone when she fell into the well.

She heard a low whisper saying "bai samalun pai davor" which means " be carefull".

the daughter came home running and told everyone about the incident..all were surprised and scared too...
from that day onwards no one turned up on that well...

After 2 3 months another shoking incident took place. The kids from that area where playing cricket, and while playing one boy hit the ball hard and that ball went and fell in to the well... All those kids came near well to see the ball.. And as they wer watching into the well, they saw something scary moving into the water, much bigger as adult human :-O :-O

All kids wer scared and ran away.. After reaching home they told that incident to ter parents, from that day all villagers dicided to close tht well with fance and villagers started avoiding that place :-O

After some days it was found out that her soul could not rest in peace as she died accidently and all her wishes remained unfulfilled & her ghost(Atma) remained haunting that well... :-O :-O

Note: We dont want to make you guys scare about that place so we have not mentioned the exect name of the place, you may not belive what he says :-)

(If you have ani such ghost expirences to share, than you can inbox tham in our page Inbox, if its intresting than will post it in our blog )

for more Goan Ghost encounters & stories stay connected to Haunted goa every night at 9pm & read our previous stories if u missed it :-) :-)